- "The Impact of Air Pollution on Labor Supply in China", with Mingxuan Fan. 2023. Sustainability.
- "Wolves make roadways safer, generating large economic returns to predator conservation," with Jennifer Raynor and Dominic Parker. 2021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Selected Media: The Atlantic, Associated Press, Washington Post, Daily Mail, Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Greening Markets: Market-Based Approaches for Environmental Management in Asia. 2021. Asian Development Bank. (Book/Technical Report).
- "Discrimination in Ambient Air Pollution Monitoring?", with Andrew Schreiber. 2019. AEA P&P.
- "On the Dynamic Instability of Arctic Sea Ice", with Jean-Paul Chavas. 2019. Nature partner journal: Climate and Atmospheric Science: 2(1):
- “Electricity Shortages and Manufacturing Productivity in Pakistan”, with Fan Zhang. Energy Policy.
- “Property Rights, Regulatory Capture, and Exploitation of Natural Resources”, with C. Costello. 2018. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 5(2): 441-79.
- “Distributional Impacts of Energy-Heat Cross-Subsidization", with Andrew Schreiber and Fan Zhang. Energy Policy.
- "Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform in the Developing World: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why?" with I. Coxhead. 2018. Asian Development Review.
- “Who Wins from Emissions Trading?: Evidence from California?" with T. Ruangmas. 2017. Environmental and Resource Economics.
- “How Should Economists Model Climate? Tipping Points and Nonlinear Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Concentrations” with J-P Chavas and N. Hudson. 2016. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 132(B): 56-65.
- “Distributional Effects of the Transition to Property Rights in a Common-Pool Resource”, with C. Costello. 2016. Marine Resource Economics 31(1): 1-26.
- “Capitalizing Property Rights Insecurity in Natural Resource Assets,” with C. Costello. 2014. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67(2): 224-40.
- “The Political Economy of Fishery Reform” with D. Parker. 2013. Annual Review of Resource Economics 5: 369-86.
- “The Distributional Effects of Pollution Regulations: Do Renters Fully Pay for Cleaner Air?” 2012. Journal of Public Economics 96(9-10): 840– 852.
- “Redistricting and Polarization: Who Draws the Lines in California?” 2010. The Journal of Law & Economics 53(3): 545-567.
- “Who Pays a Price on Carbon?”, with C. Kolstad. 2010. Environmental and Resource Economics 43(3): 359-376.
Working papers
If there is no link, please email me for the latest version!
- “Do Regulators Strategically Avoid Pollution Hotspots when Siting Monitors? Evidence from Remote Sensing of Air Pollution” with Andrew Schreiber and Wonjun Chang. Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
- "Grandfathering with Anticipation," with Christopher Costello. NBER Working Paper 29798. Under Review
- "Combining Remote Sensing and Cell Phone Users’ Mobility Data to Monitor the Impact of Transportation on NO2 Concentrations in India," with Fan Zhang and Adam Theising. World Bank Working Paper 10254.
- “Electricity Shortages and Productivity of Small Enterprises: Evidence from India”, with Danjing Lei and Fan Zhang.
- "Leakage of Carbon and Co-Pollutants from Regional Cap-and-Trade: Evidence from RGGI", with Mingxuan Fan.